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Fakultas Peternakan UNSOED Jalin Kerja Sama Peningkatan Tridharma

[, Wed, 27/04/22] Faculty of Animal Science at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Fapet Unsoed) is collaborating in improving the Tridharma of Higher Education again by collaborating with UD Amanah Farm Purwokerto. The signing of the MoU was held on Tuesday (19/04) at the Meeting Room I of Fapet Unsoed which was attended by all faculty leaders, namely the Dean, the Deputy Deans, the Coordinators of the Study Programs, and the Coordinators of the Administrative Sub Division.

The Dean of Fapet Unsoed Prof. Dr. Triana Setyawardani, S.Pt., MP expressed her gratitude for this collaboration opportunity between Fapet Unsoed and UD Sapi Amanah FARM. The Dean hoped that the collaboration between UD Sapi Amanah Farm and Fapet Unsoed could be realized in the fields of education, research, and community service. "This collaboration can build synergy between the two parties, especially in the field of Tridharma of Higher Education, and support the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) programs," said the Dean.

The Dean further said that in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture, all universities in Indonesia carry out the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) policy. ''This policy is expected to add insight and strengthen student competence as graduates who can quickly be absorbed into the working world,'' she explained.

Meanwhile, the Director of UD Sapi Amanah Farm, Ratna Puji Astuti SE, M.Si expressed her gratitude for the ongoing cooperation. "This collaboration is expected to mutually contribute to each other in developing the beef cattle business by providing animal feed that can increase the weight of livestock and vice versa, to implement the MBKM program and also research by taking sample data from here," she explained.
