FEB UNSOED Collaborates with PT. Nusa Tropikal Indonesia
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 12/01/22] Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unsoed and PT. Nusa Tropical Indonesia signed the Cooperation Agreement on Tuesday (04/1). The signing, which took place at the Roedhiro Building, FEB Unsoed, was related to the "Merdeka Campus Learning Merdeka Internship Program". There was the Dean of FEB Unsoed along with the Deputy Deans, Export Director (PT. Nusa Tropical Indonesia) and the Team, Coordinator and Sub Coordinator in the FEB Unsoed environment.
Export Director of Nusa Tropikal Indonesia, Mr. Pekik Warnendya, in his remarks said that the cooperation has been going on for the third year. In this collaboration, students and alumni at FEB Unsoed can be independent in the world of Export, and the knowledge that can be obtained in lectures can be applied in the world of work. He also conveyed that Nusa Tropikal Indonesia has experience in the field practically, but theoretically there is still a lot to learn from the faculty. "Hopefully with the signing of the cooperation between the two parties, we can collaborate better, and be the first step, not the last," he hoped.
The Dean of FEB Unsoed, Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah M.Sc., Ph.D expressed her gratitude for the willingness of PT. Nusa Tropikal Indonesia to provide the opportunity for students to be able to do internships. "In this new policy, willing or not, you have to establish strong ties with practitioners/industry, and it is hoped that later generations will be born who are able to continue the struggle by having the ability/skills," said the Dean.