FT UNSOED Explores Research & MBKM Collaboration with PT. Telkom
[unsoed.ac.id, Tues, 26/07/22] Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Unsoed Prof. Dr. Eng. Suroso, ST, M.Eng. visited Telkom Corporate University at Gegerkalong Bandung. The Dean was received directly by the Senior Manager of Research & Innovation Management Telkom, Dr. I Ketut Agung Enriko. This visit was in order to discuss the exploration of research collaboration and MBKM learning as a follow-up to the MOU Unsoed – Telkom.
In this collaboration meeting, they discussed about the Development of Living Labs to support student and Lecturer Research, Research Collaboration Development of Telkom Research & Innovation Management TIM with FT UNSOED Lecturers to digitize various fields such as Public Health, Agriculture, Livestock, Marketing to optimize community businesses, and others based on IoT. In addition, it also discussed the development of joint research funding assessments through proposals with grants such as Kedaireka, Matching Funds, and others, as well as partnership development for the implementation of MBKM.
In addition to discussing the cooperation, the Dean and the MBKM team of the Faculty of Engineering Unsoed carried out monitoring of 15 MBKM Internship students at Telkom Bandung.
At the end of the visit, Telkom's Senior Manager of Research & Innovation Management gave directions, through Zoom Meetings, to FT Unsoed student, Haris Prasetyo, who was carrying out a Final Project Results Seminar on LORA-Based Smart Parking. The topic of this final project is the result of student exploration during an internship with Telkom's RIM Division. Students get directions on the Specifications of LORA Access, regulations on the use of LORA for various fields, and the limitations of LORA access. As a form of concern for FT UNSOED, Telkom's RIM Division will improve LORA connections/access around the Faculty of Engineering, UNSOED Blater so that it will bring up many other research studies that use LORA as a communication medium.