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Groundbreaking Ceremony for Bank Jateng Center & Cafeteria UNSOED

[, Fri, 17/09/21] We are now entering an era of collaboration and synergy. Each institution will complement and fulfill each other in strengthening the existence and contribution of each party. On Friday, September 17, 2021, the groundbreaking for the Central Java Bank Center's construction and the UNSOED Cafeteria took place. The construction of this building is located north of the UNSOED Central Library.

UNSOED Rector Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS in his remarks on behalf of the university leadership / on behalf of the big family of UNSOED welcomed the Director of Compliance & Risk Management of Central Java BPD and the ranks who for the umpteenth time attended UNSOED. “UNSOED expresses its gratitude for the attention and assistance of Bank Jateng to UNSOED. This shows that the collaboration between UNSOED and Bank Jateng has provided benefits for both parties,” said the Rector. Furthermore, the Rector said that the building will function into 3 parts, namely the Central Java Bank Center (cash office), the Cooperative which contains the products of the assisted SMEs, and the Cafeteria.

Director of Compliance & Risk Management BPD Central Java Mr. Ony Suharsono thanked him for being given the opportunity to help and participate in supporting UNSOED in the implementation of Education activities. In the future, Bank Jateng remains committed to assisting UNSOED. "With Bank Jateng here, of course, the relationship between Bank Jateng and Unsoed will be better, and people can get to know Bank Jateng better, especially in the Unsoed environment, as well as the community around campus," he said.

The groundbreaking for the construction of the Bank Jateng Center & Cafeteria UNSOED was carried out by the Rector, and the Director of Compliance & Risk Management of the Central Java BPD. Witnessed by the Vice Rectors, Deans, Heads of Institutions, BPD Central Java ranks, and invitees.