The Handover of Chancellor's Duties to Acting Chancellor
[, Mon, 09/05/22] Located in the Meeting Room of the First Floor of the Unsoed Rectorate, the handover of the duties of the Chancellor Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS to the Acting Chancellor Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr, was held on Monday (09/5). The Vice Chancellors, Deans of Faculties, Directors of Postgraduates, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Agency and Heads of Internal Supervisory Units in the Unsoed Environment, Heads of Administrative Bureaus and Technical Implementation Units, and invitees were present.
The Chancellor for the 2018-2022 Period of Service, Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS said that it didn't feel like four years have passed, since he received the mandate from the government to lead this university that he loves and is proud of. Four years were full of stories and dynamics and striving for the best in service to the public, especially in the field of higher education. “Alhamdulillah, with the blessing of Allah SWT and together with all parties, we work hand in hand in improving the quality of learning, research, and community service. Through all the limitations and existing situations, we are all in agreement to continue and to show performance as a form of contribution to society for the trust given to Unsoed, "said Prof. Suwarto.
Togetherness becomes the backbone as well as the foundation for us to achieve what we can set as goals. In this period, we are in a special situation, facing the extraordinary Covid-19 pandemic. In this era, we are also starting a transformation in higher education policy, the Independent Learning, Independent Campus. At this time, we are also working on the mechanism of measurable and accountable performance indicators.
On that occasion, Prof. Suwarto expressed his deepest gratitude to all vice chancellors, to the leaders and managers of faculties, postgraduates, institutions, departments, study programs, laboratories as well as heads of administrative bureaus and technical implementing units who have been extraordinarily committed in translating our performance contracts with the ministry, and also to the Rectorate Staff, both Secretariat Staff and Expert Staff and all parties at the Rectorate and Head Office who have assisted in carrying out his duties during these four years. "On this occasion, in particular, allow us to express our gratitude, respect and appreciation to the lecturers, who are the drivers and determinants of the achievement of our institution's performance, appreciation to the education staff, who have facilitated and provided administrative support, as well as university partners. ", concluded Prof. Suwarto.
Acting Rector Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr said that based on the Order of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No. 28160 Year 2022, then starting from May 4, 2022, he has the task of acting as Unsoed Chancellor, where it is his duty to carry out the daily tasks of university leaders until a definitive official is appointed. “On this auspicious occasion, I invite all of us to work together and collaborate in our respective duties and roles. The hope is, of course, that Unsoed can always be trusted institutionally as a trustworthy institution, especially in improving the quality of students and graduates, the quality of lecturers as well as the quality of the curriculum and learning, "said Prof. Sodiq.
Prof. Sodiq in particular expressed his appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarto, MS as the 11th Chancellor of Unsoed who has led and accompanied Unsoed during the period 2018-2022. He led Unsoed when the whole world was facing a very difficult situation with the Covid-19 pandemic. He led Unsoed when there was a fundamental change in higher education policy with the paradigm of Independent Learning, Independent Campus. He also led Unsoed when all university performance activities were recorded and open to the public. “In other words, he was leading in a situation full of extraordinary changes and challenges. However, Alhamdulillah, it can be organized as well as possible. Therefore, on behalf of myself and also as the leader of the university, all of us would like to thank Prof. Suwarto, for his services in leading Unsoed for the last four years," said the Chancellor.