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LPPM UNSOED Again Holds Keris Goes to Campus

[, Tue, 23/01/24] The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) will again hold “Keris Goes to Campus 2” event in Unsoed Purwokerto in May 2024. The event themed “Exploration of Banyumas Resilient Keris” is a collaboration between the Center for Creative Economy and Tourism Research LPPM Unsoed, Dayalogawa Research Center LPPM Unsoed with various communities and keris stakeholders in the Banyumas Raya region.

The series of events included Keris Seminar, Keris exhibition and exchange, bazaar of keris creative industry practitioners, keris geguritan/ poetry, keris art painting, traditional dance, and keris maintenance workshop. The aim is to educate the younger generation about keris as a cultural product and civilization of the archipelago, as well as to preserve keris as a cultural heritage in the Banyumas Raya region.

Keris is not just a mystical object, but has high philosophical, historical, and metallurgical values,” said Committee Chairman, Dr. Rahab from the Creative Economy and Tourism Research Center LPPM Unsoed.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Elly Tugiyanti, M.P., IPU, ASEAN Eng as Chairperson of LPPM Unsoed supported the activity by providing facilities and infrastructure for the event.

“The event will be held in May 2024 to coincide with the National Education Month and will be held for 5 days. The target of the activity includes millennials, collectors, students, and the general public as participants. Keris Goes to Campus has previously been successfully held at UIN Purwokerto in 2023. Now, a similar event is held again at Unsoed with a wider scale by involving creative economy actors related to Keris,” he said.

Besides LPPM Unsoed, this event was also supported by Paguyuban Trah Panembahan Senopati (PATRAP) Kota Gede Banyumas Branch, Kebo Teki community, Gora Mas, Blakasuta, DKKB, HPN, Manggala Budaya Bumi Banyumas, Prakarsa Garba Mataram, and many more, Keris Goes to Campus 2 is expected to be a forum for education as well as preservation of Banyumas’ distinctive culture.

For more information about this event, please contact the committee at 081327473838

