17 Students Participate in Pilmapres Unsoed
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 11/05/22] A total of 17 best students from each faculty participated in the Most Outstanding Student Election (Pilmapres) this year 2022, which was held for two days from Wednesday - Thursday (11-12/5), at the Unsoed Rectorate. The seventeen students were outstanding students who had been selected at the faculty level. They consisted of 12 undergraduate students, and 5 students from the Diploma level. The theme of the 2022 Pilmapres is "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Industrial Revolution 4.0".
The chairperson of this event, Dr. Siswantoro, M.Si in his report at the opening of the Pilmapres at the University level said that the technological changes that are happening will have an impact on people's lives, so that human resources, which in this case are students as actors in change, always need to adapt to their character, knowledge, and skill. The ideal human resource is a person who has a balanced advantage between intellectual, emotional, kinesthetic, and spiritual intelligence. Through the National Achievement Center in 2022, the Ministry of Education and Culture has facilitated efforts to create excellent students who have a balance between the four intelligences. "One of the efforts made is to spur the growth of outstanding students who have characters through organizing the selection of outstanding students / Pilmapres. The Pilmapres is implemented in some levels, from the Study Program level, Department level, Faculty level, and University level, and will be followed up at the national level,” he explained.
The activity was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni/WR III Dr. Kuat Puji Prayitno, SH., M. Hum. In his speech, he said that the Pilmapres was one of the activities that continued despite the pandemic situation. In the field of student affairs, the task is to be able to serve student interests and equip students with hard skills & soft skills to be able to produce achievements. The Pilmapres participants were the best delegates/representatives from each faculty, and had many achievements. The achievements are not only seen from the cumulative achievement index but also achievements in writing scientific papers (information, ideas, and original thoughts are from the students), as well as other achievements, in addition to foreign language skills. “There are many student activities at Unsoed, and no less important is tracer study. By performing and collaborating well among students, coaches and student administrators, Insyaallah, everything will go well or even better," said WR III.
The assessment included scientific writings which in this case for undergraduate students were called creative ideas, and for diploma students were called innovative products, outstanding achievements, and English language skills.