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FK UNSOED Student Achievements at Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO)

[, Thurs, 11/08/22] Delegation of students from the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (FK Unsoed) makes a name for itself. This time in the Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO). This activity was held offline on 2 - 3 August 2022 with the host, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

In this event the FK Unsoed delegation managed to achieve achievements: 2nd place in the Genitourinary by Dwi Atmi Hasriningrum (2019) and Diva Azka Fidinillah (2020), 3rd place in the Musculosceletal by Ahmad Husein Haekal Alkaff (2019) and Faiq Muhammad Ammar ( 2019).

In addition, other FK Unsoed delegates also managed to become Semifinalists for the Cardiorespiratory branch by Ani Mahirah (2019) and Hamzah Maulana (2020), as well as Semi Neuropsychiatry by Rani Puspita Purnarengganis (2019) and Shoofiyah Rihhadatul Aisy (2019)

RMO is a medical olympiad. The annual event organized by the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI) Region 3 covers the regions of Solo, Purwokerto, Kalimantan, Yogyakarta, and Semarang. Through this event, every participant who is a medical student competes with their insights, skills, and abilities regarding the branches being competed with. This year, RMO 2022 carries the theme “Serotonin: Synergy of Youth in Improving the Nation's Health”.

Dwi Atmi Hasriningrum said the delegation's struggle started from the preliminary round in the form of the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exam which was held online at their respective institutions. From the preliminary round, the best 7 teams were selected to proceed to the semifinals and were dispatched to Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. "Four teams from FK UNSOED managed to qualify for the semifinals, namely the Cardiorespiratory branch, Genitourinary branch, Musculoskeletal branch, and Neuropsychiatry," he explained.

The semi finals consisted of Student Oral Case Analysis-Public Health (SOCA-PH) and Objective Structured Practical Examination(OSPE) exams. From the Semifinals, the 3 best teams from each branch were selected to proceed to the final round consisting of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and the Accurate Quick Contest (LCT).

After this, all delegates of the competition branch will prepare for an olympiad that is no less prestigious, namely the Indonesian International Medical Olympiad (IMO), which is a national level medical olympiad that will be held in October.
