[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 08/09/21] Research Institute, and Community Service General Soedirman University / LPPM UNSOED again held the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development (ICMA-SURE). This year is the fourth time the event is held, with the theme “Actualization of research culture during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in supporting emancipated learning”. The activity lasts for two days (7 – 8 September 2021) online. The event was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr.
The Vice Rector read the Rector in his written remarks for Academic Affairs. In his speech, he welcomes all speakers and participants of ICMA-SURE 2021. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed has a mandate to carry out the learning process and produce science, technology, and art based on in-depth research that focuses on discoveries and innovations applied to sustainable rural development. The era of globalization and industry 4.0 requires us to have an inclusive and multidisciplinary understanding of research and innovation in this field. Through equal interaction and reciprocal approaches in research, it is hoped that it can increase development in rural areas. The Rector hopes that in this forum ideas, plans, and actions will emerge to overcome problems in developing villages and their resources, especially in interdisciplinary approaches and applied technology for sustainable rural environmental resources," concluded the Rector.
The main speakers at ICMA-SURE 2021 are Dr. Mohammad Sofwan Effendi M.Ed (Director of Resource General of Higher Education, Indonesia), and Prof.Dr Agung Dhamar Syakti, S.Pi.,DEA (Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Oceanologists ). In addition, expert speaker Dr. Ely Triasih Rahayu, M. Hum (Unsoed), Prof. Dr. Osama Ibrahim (Fayoum University, Egypt), John Mwibanda Wesonga, PH.D (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya), Martha Ramires Valdivia, M.Sc, PH.D (Industrial Engineer, Universidad de LaFrontera, Temuco , Chile), Prof. Yasumasa Besso (Gene Regulation Research, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), and Prof. Dr. Chuleemas Boonthai IWAI, Ph.D (Khon Kaen University, Thailand).
The conference scope is grouped into categories: Tropical biodiversity and bioprospection; Integrated marine and coastal area management; Food, nutrition and health; Engineering and renewable energy; Entrepreneurship; Social engineering and Rural development; and Pure Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and biology). Selected papers will be published in BIO Web of Conferences (Indexing WoS), SHS Web of Conferences (Indexing WoS)), Molecular Journal (Indexing Scopus), ICHS: Enfermeria Clinica (Special Issue) (Scopus Q3), and IOP Proceedings (Indexing Scopus).