UNSOED Delegation Wins Gold Medal and Macedonian Special Award at WICE 2021
[unsoed.ac.id, Mon, 04/10/21] Jenderal Soedirman University / Unsoed students achieve proud achievements at the international level again. This time the medals were presented at the 2021 World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) event. They were Fabian Roshan (Agricultural Technology 2017) and Team Members Muhammad Farid Rahmatullah (T. Electro 2018), Muhammad Sigit Pamungkas (Physics 2018), and Rezkya Aliffa Widiyanantoputri (Physics 2019) who successfully presented the Gold Medal and Macedonia Special Award. In this event, the team from Unsoed raised the title of "Aerodynamic Wind Micro Turbine As A Sustainable Energy Source".
WICE is an international innovation event held by the Indonesia Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with SEGi College Subang Jaya (SEGi University and College Malaysia). This activity was held online from 24 - 30 September 2021 and was attended by 369 teams from 29 countries.
Team Leader Fabian Roshan said the innovation presented was a micro turbine that utilizes the concept of vehicle aerodynamic drag as an alternative source of electrical energy for motorized vehicles such as motorcycles and cars. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the target for New and Renewable Energy (EBT) in 2025 reaches 23% and the potential for vehicle wind energy is also quite high given the average vehicle speed of more than 40 km/hour. "In addition, because the potential for aerodynamic wind energy is 70% of vehicle speed, it is possible that this energy can be used as a source of electrical energy," he explained.
The series of activities began with the registration process and prototype preparation starting from April 1, 2021; then participants received an invitation from the organizers of the World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) after the registration process on August 13. "We prepared posters and abstracts/articles until September 5, 2021. The results of the process were contested at the peak event on September 24 to September 30, 2021 online by 2 international judges," he explained.