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Workshop on Independent-Learning-Independent-Campus-based Curriculum

[, Thurs, 11/11/21] The Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (FISIP Unsoed) held a workshop on Independent Learning-Independent Campus-Based Curriculum (MBKM-based curriculum) on Monday (08/11).

This workshop was held at Luminor Hotel Purwokerto which was attended by lecturers of Public Administration FISIP Unsoed. The activity was carried out offline and was opened by the Dean of FISIP, Dr. Wahyuningrat, M.Si. The keynote speakers for this event are Drs. H. Sadewo Tri Lastiono as Deputy Regent of Banyumas Regency, represented by Drs. Achmad Supartono, M.Si from the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) Banyumas Regency, Drs. Lendra Yuspi Geasill, M.Si as the sub-district head of Patikraja, and Dr. Denok Kurniasih, M.Si as a lecturer in Public Administration of FISIP Unsoed.

This workshop activity was held as part of an effort to succeed and implement one of the policies of the Minister of Education and Culture in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards as well as preparation for the conversion of final assignments through MBKM for 2018 students.

The same thing was also conveyed by the resource person, Lendra Yuspi, who said that "link and match" is needed, the door must be opened so that students can explore their interests. “Universities must still uphold idealism, but they must also prepare graduates with the practical skills needed in the world of work. The reason is that pragmatic skills such as IT and accounting skills are needed in the field,” he said.

Through this activity, the Dean of FISIP Unsoed hopes that every Public Administration Study Program, both lecturers and students, are ready to implement the MBKM-based curriculum in the learning process. (psifisip)
