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UPL MPA UNSOED Wins Gold & Silver in Speed Climbing Tournament 2021

[, Thurs, 23/12/21] Unsoed's Environmental Scout Unit for Nature Lovers Students (UPL MPA) accomplished proud achievement. This time in the Speed ​​Climbing Tournament in Banyumas, the Mapala category, organized by the Dynamic Sport Center, which competition was held from 18 to 19 December 2021. This was attended by several participants from the elementary, junior high, high school, to Mapala categories. UPL MPA Unsoed sent two representative Young Members as participants in the Mapala Putri category, Sabrina Abeallya Afthoni (Faculty of Biology) and Nur Lita Dewi (Faculty of Agriculture).

Speed ​​climbing itself is a category of rock climbing competition where two climbers compete with each other to reach the top with a rope already attached to the anchor. In Indonesia, there are three types of Speed climbing, namely speed track, classic speed, and speed world record. In this tournament, the category being contested is classic speed, a speed climbing category where two climbers compete quickly to tap the top that the judges have installed for the finish/top. It takes skill in hand strength, brain and speed in climbing.

Representatives from UPL MPA Unsoed, Sabrina Abeallya Afthoni won a gold medal from the Mapala Putri category and Nur Lita Dewi won a silver medal from the Mapala Putri category. Sabrina said that this was our first time participating in a competitive speed climbing. A few days earlier, we had time to do boulder exercises in the midst of the busy UPL activities to prepare ourselves.

 “Alhamdulillah, we managed to bring home two medals. This is all thanks to the prayers and support from all active and extraordinary members of UPL MPA Unsoed and our parents. However, we should not be satisfied with this victory, from this competition there are still many shortcomings that we have to improve continuously, because there is no great UPL, there are UPLs who continue to practice,” she said.
