UNSOED Pharmacy Lecturer Earned Doctoral Degree in Austria
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 29/12/21] Metabolomics is a technology that is developing quite rapidly to analyze small molecular compounds which are better known as metabolites in a comprehensive manner by involving several fairly sophisticated analytical instruments. By developing a metabolomic analysis method with a sample of yeast (P. pastoris), Dr.nat.techn. apt. Hendri Wasito, M.Sc. successfully earned a doctorate in Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien, Austria. This lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy, FIKES, who has expertise in Analytical Chemistry, took his doctoral education in Vienna, Austria for exactly three years, which is a quite satisfying achievement both in terms of academics and the length of time he has studied.
Hendri's dissertation entitled "Targeted and non-targeted metabolomics with separation sciences and accurate mass spectrometry in biotechnology" was successfully tested and defended in front of professors from universities in Austria in mid-November 2021 and subsequently earned the right to obtain a Doctorate degree rerum naturalium technicarum (Dr.nat. techn.). The dissertation exam doctorate is held online with video conference media considering the Covid-19 pandemic situation that is still ongoing in various parts of the world, including Austria and Indonesia.
The purpose of this research is to develop a metabolomic analysis technique with a targeted and non-target approach based on mass spectrometry combined with a chromatographic separation method to be applied in the analysis of samples in the form of yeast.
In his research, Hendri succeeded in comprehensively characterizing the reference material from yeast to improve harmonization and standardization in metabolomics research based on spectrometry mass. The findings make an important contribution to targeted metabolomics using cell extracts relevant to fermentation technology for quality control of biotechnological samples. In addition, he has successfully developed a comprehensive workflow involving fragmentation of the ionization source in a high resolution mass spectrometer instrument for non-target metabolomic analysis. His findings contributed significantly to elucidating the fragmentation parameters of the ion source to increase confidence in the confirmation of metabolite identity in yeast microorganism cells in metabolic studies.
Hendri hopes that after earning his Doctoral degree and returning to work in the country and at Unsoed in particular, he can develop research related to metabolomics by collaborating with other fields of science at Unsoed so that it can be more beneficial for development science, Unsoed institutions, and society in general.