The Rector Cup III Student Creativity Program was Successfully Held
[, Fri, 01/03/24] Student Creativity Program (PKM) Rector Cup III held by PKM Center was successfully held. This event is the biggest PKM event at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. PKM Rector Cup III is present as an essential preparation stage for students before being involved in PKM activities held by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The presentation stage in December 2023 took place at the Faculty of Engineering Unsoed, the host of the event. The peak of the event, marked by the awarding of awards on February 23, 2024 to the champions of each PKM scheme. The event was attended by Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni / WR III Unsoed Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo, S.Pi, M.Si, and 12 Deans of Unsoed.
In this event, the Faculty of Agriculture succeeded in making its name as the overall champion of PKM Rector Cup III with the highest score of student delegations who won in each PKM scheme.
Chairman of the PKM Rector Cup III committee, Fhika Dyan Kartika (Food Technology Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Unsoed) said that this event became a stage for all 12 Faculties in Unsoed to show the diversity of ideas and innovations.
"The atmosphere of healthy and constructive competition involves various disciplines, creating an atmosphere that spurs achievement. It is hoped that the PKM Rector Cup is not just a competitive arena but a fruitful field for students to express and develop creativity and innovation," he said.
Marking the next step in the sustainability of this prestigious competition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA, officially announced by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, was appointed as the host of PKM Rector Cup IV in 2024.