SNMPTN and SBMPTN Socialization in Banjarnegara
[, 14/01/21] Since the university admission had started, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman committed to socialize the information related to state university selection 2021. This time, UNSOED did the socialization in Banjarnegara on 13 January 2021.
This socialization started with the explanation from the head of Academic Affairs and Students Bureau, Dra Krisnhoe Maya Wulandari, MM. She explained that this event was expected to carry out the admission process smoothly. “Through this forum, you can discuss things related to confirmed matters with us.”, she said. This socialization got positive response from the participants. The head of Education Office in Central Java, Dwi Yuliati Mulyaningsih, S.Pd,MM appreciated this socialization. “We value this event because we can communicate and ask detail information related to university admission,” she said.
The information of state university selection system 2021 was delivered by Dr. Wisnu Widjanarko, M.Si. He stated that the selection was conducted by LTMPT (The Institution of Higher Education Selection Test). The expert staff of Rector in Public Relation said that to fill in PDSS (Schools and Students Database), SNMPTN Registration, and SBMPTN, the students should have LTMPT account. “Account registration on LTMPT could be accessed on,”, he said. Dr. Wisnu also reminded that schools which are eligible to join SNMPTN are high schools which have NPSN. “Schools also need to fill data on PDSS.”, he explained. On the other hand, students who could be participants of SNMPTN are on the 12th grade of high school in 2021, having outstanding achievements, having NISN on PDSS, and having their study reports on PDSS. “Every student can choose two study programs from one or two state university(ies). If the students choose two study programs, one of the study programs should be in the same province as their high schools. However, students can choose any study program if they only choose one study program.”, he explained.
Besides giving information related to SNMPTN, Dr. Wisnu also conveyed information related to UTBK-SBMPTN 2021. “SBMPTN was planned to be held in two periods and account registration on LTMPT would be available on 1 February-12 March 2021. Meanwhile, the submission will start on 15 March – 1 April 2021.”, he explained.
After the explanation, this event continued with discussion. Many questions related to technical things of PDSS, registration, and others were answered by Unsoed team. Besides Dra. Krisnhoe and Dr. Wisnu, the academic affairs coordinator, Heri Purnomo, S.Kom.,M.Kom and the academic affairs sub-coordinator Eko Sumanto, S.Pt.,M.Si. explained information related to this topic.
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