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Student Community Service of Independent Learning-Independent Campus (KKN MBKM) of Unsoed Supports Non-Professional Dalang Competition

Eleven students of the Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics & Business, UNSOED, led by Noviani Dwi Wahyudi Sukendro as the village coordinator at KKN MBKM in Banjoemas Tourism Development of Kota Lama, once again showed their action. Noviani, together with her study program friends; Ninda Antika, Dina Quniawati, Andrian Juli Ratmono, Nadia Fadilla Wijaya, Devi Ambarwati, Mohammad Rizal Anggoro, Retno Sri Anjarwati, Anggit Suci Istiqomah, Anisa Najah Safitri and Mega Setiani, held the “Non-Professional Dalang (Puppeteer) Competition” which took place in Tamansari Banyumas District. These eleven students were guided by Dr. Sri Lestari, SE. MSi, Drs. Jaryono, MSIE and Dr. Nurul Hidayat, S.Pt.M.Kom

Dr. Sri Lestari SE., M.Si as the head of the MBKM KKN said that the activity with the theme “Building the Banyumas Puppet Museum as a place of cultural resilience in Banyumas Regency” was an activity funded by the Non-Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for the 2021 Museum Operation. This activity is carried out in conjunction with the Community Service Program. “In this activity, KKN students worked together with the Banyumas District Government and the Old City Banjoemas Tourism Movement Institution (Lempengparimas) as local committees that assisted the activities of Department of Youth, Sport, Tourism and Culture (Dinporabudpar) of Banyumas Regency,” she said.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, participants of the competition which was held on Thursday, 4 November 2021, are limited to only representatives from 7 ex-regions of Banyumas Regency with the age of 17 to 40 years old. Seven puppeteers are representatives of each regional coordinator in Banyumas Regency: Panca Aji Pamungkas (Sokaraja), Rusli Adi Kuncoro (Jatilawang), Rizal Ramdan (Banyumas), Hasna Imarotun Nadhliyah (ex-administrative city representative who is the only female participant), Asgad Darul Ulum (Sumpiuh), Rahmat Widi Santoso (Karanglewas), and Candra Widyasmoro (Ajibarang). Each of them brought a different play with a duration of one hour. The criteria assessed in this competition are the cepengan, antawecana, dhodhogan and keprakan and sulukan. The jury consists of practitioners, academics, and humanists.

Based on the decision of the jury consisting of Mr. Sungging Suharto, Dwi Setiabudi, S.Sn, and Sigit Aji Sabdo Priyono, S Sn. Ki Sungging Suharto, the first winner of this competition is Hasna Imarotun Nahdliyah, the representative of the administrative city of Purwokerto; the second winner us Asgad Darul Ulum, the representative of the Regional Coordinator of Sumpiuh; and the third winner is Candra Widyasmoro, the representative of the Regional Coordinator of Ajibarang. The winners get trophies, certificates, and coaching money.