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Synergy of FISIP Unsoed and BMKG in Implementation of MBKM

[, Mon, 07/12/21] FISIP Unsoed with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) agreed to work together in implementing the Merdeka Belajar program Merdeka Campus. This was marked by the signing of the cooperation agreement between the two, namely by the Dean of FISIP Unsoed, Dr. Wahyuningrat, M.Si and the Head of General Bureau and BMKG Organization, M. Muslihhuddin, SH, MH at the Auditorium of FISIP Unsoed, Purwokerto, Wednesday (1/12). Through the signing, it is hoped that it will further facilitate students to study outside campus, especially in the form of internships / work practices, including facilitating their respective human resources in improving their competencies.

A number of things that are collaborated between FISIP Unsoed and BMKG include facilitation of internships or student work practices in the implementation of MBKM, curriculum development, capacity building of human resources including publication and dissemination of scientific papers. Muslihhuddin as the Head of the General & Organizational Bureau of BMKG welcomed the internship activities for students from FISIP Unsoed, especially in the field of public relations because apart from studying in the world of work, they also increased the dissemination of information about meteorology, climatology and geophysics where this is very much needed by the community. On the same occasion, the Dean of FISIP Unsoed, Dr. Wahyuningrat expressed his appreciation to BMKG for facilitating the implementation of MBKM especially for students, and of course in the future it is hoped that it can also be developed in the field of research and community service, including in improving educational qualifications for human resources.

This collaboration is actually an inseparable part of the Merdeka Campus Competition Program (PKKM) where the Communication Studies S1 Study Program FISIP Unsoed is facilitated in the implementation of the MBKM which is planned to last for the next three years. Through the support of the program, the academic community has the opportunity to develop their potential outside of campus, improve skill competencies, including support for learning facilities and infrastructure.
