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UNSOED 142nd Graduation

[, Mon, 13/09/21] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed held a Graduation Period 142 (September 2021) offline, and online via the Zoom platform. The total graduates in this period were 1,835, consisting of 5 doctors, 135 masters, 92 people with professional titles, 1,247 undergraduates, and 356 middle experts. Not only that, 741 of them also passed with honors or cum laude.

Graduation lasted for 2 (two) days. On Monday (13/9), it was started by graduates from the Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Economics & Business, and Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Meanwhile, on Tuesday (14/9) graduates from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanity, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sciences.

Unsoed Rector Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS in his speech said that the pandemic has changed the way we act, think and take decisions or actions. The pandemic has also made us have to adapt in various aspects of life, as a form of survival and at the same time winning challenges that are so extraordinary. “The reality we face is certainly not easy to face. However, that does not mean we are running away from reality. The existing problems can be read as a message, are we able to solve them?”, said the Rector.

In this moment full of happiness, the Rector invited all graduates to take the initiative in winning the future. I encourage all graduates to be proactive and responsive in reading the opportunities and opportunities that unfold. “Be an adaptive person, be a collaborative person, and be a creative person”, said the Rector.

Ayunina Zenti, the representative of the graduates on the first day of graduation, expressed her deepest gratitude to the leaders, lecturers, and academicians of Unsoed, who have given us the opportunity to learn, forge ourselves, become better individuals, and have insight. Do not forget on behalf of the graduates, also say a sincere apology if there are mistakes in interacting, both intentional and unintentional. “Today, the great trust given to us has increased. Responsibilities as students may end, but the responsibility for the knowledge and degrees we have will continue to exist as long as we live,” she said.

Beverly Kandioh, who also represented the graduates on the second day of graduation, said that today is the beginning of a journey to knit bigger dreams and become useful people for others. "As graduates of Jenderal Sudirman University, it is our duty to apply the knowledge we have learned in lectures to build the nation and become agents of change," he said.

Until the September 2021 Graduation Period, UNSOED has graduated 104,949 alumni, who if God allows, are productive and contributive in various fields of life in society.