UNSOED Collaborates with Universities from Three Countries
[Unsoed.ac.id, Mon,14/2/22] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman continues to enhance international cooperation. This time, UNSOED collaborated with universities from three countries to conduct an International Seminar. This has started with online meetings and coordination between UNSOED, Nong Lam University (NLU)-Vietnam, National University of Kaohsiung (NUK)-Taiwan, and Okayama University (OU)-Japan. Coordination continues to be carried out and the implementation of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (SAE2022) will be held on November 17th - 19th 2022. SAE is an International Seminar which is regularly held by Nong Lam University every two years, and on this occasion the seminar will be held with the cooperation of four universities. In this International Seminar, the Chancellor of UNSOED, Prof. Dr. Ir Akhmad Sodiq, M.Sc.Agr will be one of the keynote speakers along with Prof. Yasushi Mori from Okayama University, Japan, Prof. Hsing Hao Wu from the National University of Kaohsiung Taiwan, and Assoc. Prof. Pan Thai Huan from Nong Lam University Vietnam.
Dr. Condro Wibowo as one of the scientific boards in the committee of this seminar revealed that this international collaboration is an opportunity for UNSOED to continue to improve cooperation. "The theme for this international seminar is Innovative Approaches in Agriculture in Adapting to Climate Change," he said. This activity will present four Keynote Speakers from each University. "In addition, this seminar will also be divided into 7 parallel session themes and UNSOED is responsible for the session on Trends and Advances in Food Science and Post-harvest Technology," he continued. Dr. Condro also revealed that this collaboration is an equal collaboration between four universities and so far coordination has been carried out several times for its preparation.
If the pandemic situation remains under control, this international seminar will be held offline at Nong Lam University, Vietnam. This seminar is also possible to be carried out in a hybrid or full online depending on the conditions of the pandemic. For participants who need more information about this International Seminar, they can access it through the page http://sae.hcmuaf.edu.vn/