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UNSOED Geological Engineering 1st Place in National Geology Case Study (GCS)

[, Mon, 06/12/21] Geological Engineering Student Team, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman (UNSOED) won 1st place in the National Geology Case Study (GCS) competition, on the 15th Dies Natalis or better known as the Annual Celebration of dr. Bumi (Petabumi) 2021. The theme this time was Heritage For The Better Future with 8 activities in the form of Opening Ceremony, Bertaut, dr. Bumi Collection, Earth Science Contest (LCCK), Geology Case Study(GCS), Video Competition, National Webinar, and was closed with a Closing Ceremony which was held at the Soetedja Building, Purwokerto and the Zoom Platform meeting.

The UNSOED Geological Engineering Team raised the theme "Disaster Risk Reduction In Urban Areas". The team consisted of Atitar Wodha Rabbani (H1C018026), Annisa Helly Suranda (H1C018029), and Fikri Mahendra Malik (H1C018028).

Atitar Wodha Rabbani said that the Geology Case Study (GCS) is a competition that aims to explore creative ideas in order to answer the latest challenges in the field of disaster by applying knowledge from a geological perspective. Its activities are to make scientific writings/works from a case study and then make reports, posters, and presentations.

The first stage of the Geology Case Study (GCS) is to register by collecting essays. Eight best teams are selected; (ITB, UGM (2 teams), UNPAD (2 teams), UI, UNSOED, and Bayangkari University Jakarta. “The participants that passed the essay stage will be given a Case Study with three different theme topics, namely: Floods, Landslides, and Earthquakes. Then the participants are asked to make a report on the results of the study and a poster that will be presented in front of the jury, " she said.

The presentation stage was carried out for 2 days. The first session is for teams 1-4 (20 November 2021) and the second session is for teams 5-6 (21 November 2021). The judges in this competition are Dr. Eng. Imam Akhmad Sadisun (ITB Geological Engineering Lecturer and vice chairman IAGI), Dr. Heru Hendrayana, M.Sc (Lecturer of Geological Engineering UGM), Dr. Indra Permanajati (Lecturer of Geological Engineering UNSOED), Setyoadjie, ST (Head of BMKG Banjarnegara). From the total assessment of the four judges, the Unsoed Sphericity Team received 1st place, then Team 14Aceria UGM in 2nd place, and third for Yeay Team UGM. The supervisor for the UNSOED Geological Engineering Team is Ir. Januar Azis Zaenurrohman, ST., M.Eng., IPP.
