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UNSOED Held SNMPTN Socialization

[, Fri, 18/02/22] Universitas Jenderal Sudirman (Unsoed) held a socialization of the 2022 State University Entrance National Selection (SNMPTN) on Friday (18/2). This is done in order to answer the information needs, especially of the 2022 SNMPTN candidates who are in the registration period. The Chancellor, Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto, MS, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq, M.Agr.Sc conducted a Live Socialization on Youtube @unsoedofficial.

Starting the socialization, the Chancellor said that in 2022, Unsoed accepts new students through three admission routes, namely SNMPTN (National Selection for State University Admission), SBMPTN (Joint Selection for State University Admission), and Independent SPMB (New Student Admission Selection). There is also a quota at Unsoed, SNMPTN is 30%, SBMPTN is a selection based on test results whose quota is 40%, and SPMB is held independently with a quota of 30%," explained the Chancellor.

The requirements for participating in the SNMPTN are high school/MA/vocational high school students (grade 12) in 2022 who have excellent achievements, namely, have academic achievements and meet the requirements determined by each PTN, have NISN and are registered in PDSS, have semester report cards of 1 to 5 that have been filled in PDSS. In addition, participants who choose the arts and sports study program are required to upload a Portfolio.

The Chancellor also said that Unsoed facilitates students who are economically disadvantaged, at least 20% of new students from the economically disadvantaged group will be subsidized by Single Tuition Fees (UKT). The Chancellor advised prospective students to choose a study program in accordance with their wishes / aspirations, pay attention to their values, choose a study program at a particular university that is appropriate, pay attention to the schedule, and always maintain their health.

In the next session, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs / WR 1 said that Unsoed had 81 study programs ranging from DIII, S1, Masters, Doctoral, Professional, and Specialist Programs. "For SNMPTN 39 Undergraduate Study Programs are opened," said WR 1. In SNMPTN, the selected participants can choose a maximum of two study programs. “If you choose two study programs, one study program must be in the same PTN as the province of origin of SMA/SMK/MA. If they choose only one PTN, then it can be at any PTN in Indonesia," he explained. Prof. Sodiq also revealed that SNMPTN must be linear, while for SBMPTN it is possible to cross-study programs.

Furthermore, Prof. Sodiq conveyed the tightness in 2021 including for Science and Technology namely Education for Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacy, Public Health, Informatics Engineering, while for the Soshum groups include Communication Studies, Public Administration, Management, International Relations, Accounting, & Development Economics. The scholarships available at Unsoed are also explained.
