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UNSOED Inaugurated Faculty of Agriculture Field Laboratory

[, Thu,23/12/21] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman/ Unsoed inaugurated the Faculty of Agriculture Field Laboratory, Thursday (23/12). The inauguration of the laboratory, which is located in Kedung Randu, was marked by the signing of the inscription and the cutting of the ribbon by the Chancellor of Unsoed. Also present to witness the event are the Vice Chancellors, Deans, and invited guests. The inauguration began with a report by PPK, Latief Nur Muhammad, ST regarding the implementation of the construction of the completed building.

The Chancellor of Unsoed, Prof. Dr. Ir Suwarto MS in his speech said that one of Unsoed's roles was to contribute through science and knowledge. Unsoed does not want to be an ivory tower, but wants to be a water tower, the benefits of which can be felt by many people. "Research is the backbone of Unsoed in devoting itself to society, and ensuring that the quality of people's lives is always better from time to time," said the Chancellor.

The Chancellor hopes that the Field Laboratory Building of the Faculty of Agriculture will later be used optimally and provide benefits to the community. "I hope that Kedungrandu Village will become one of the UNSOED assisted villages and become one of the villages where community service is carried out, for example to transfer appropriate technology to the community," he said.

On this occasion, the Chancellor also symbolically handed over the use of this building to the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture UNSOED which was marked by the handover of the Rector's Decree.