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UNSOED Lecturers as Training Experts in Vietnam

[, Fri, 15/01/21] The achievements of Jenderal Soedirman University lecturers have again been recognized internationally. UNSOED Faculty of Agriculture Lecturer, Dr. Condro Wibowo, is trusted to be an expert in the “Internationalization at Home in Vietnamese Universities” training. This activity was carried out in two stages: in December 2019 and recently in October 2020.

The training was carried out collaboratively by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Germany (BMZ), Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES) - German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Bonn, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP), and Vietnamese-German University (VGU). Together, they organized the “Internationalization at Home in Vietnamese Universities” Training.

The training aimed to ensure that university staff in Vietnam (the International Office or managers of higher education who are responsible for international activities coordination) understand the globalization process and are actively involved in internationalization activities at their university. The program helps the participants to increase their capacity in working in teams and in planning and implementing internationalization programs at their universities through abroad funding.

The experts invited to the event were Gertrud Goudswaard and Dr. Condro Wibowo. Gertrud Goudswaard is a certified instructor in the field of intercultural communication and experienced in providing training on internationalization in several countries in Europe. Dr. Condro Wibowo was invited as one of the instructors because he has experience in managing international cooperation with various parties, and is one of the alumni of the “Management of Internationalization” training in Germany. Several guest speakers from various universities were also present to share their experiences.

There were 26 participants joined the training. They were from various universities in Vietnam, which are: University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnamese-German University, Nong Lam University, Nha Trang University, Hue Medical College, University of Foreign Language and Information Technology, University of Education of Ho Chi Minh, and Van Lang University. Among the participants were Vice Rector, Head or staff of the International Office, and university representatives.

In the first phase of training, Dr. Condro Wibowo conveyed about Internationalization and Internationalization at Home (Globalization context, internationalization concept and trends, Structure of International Office and responsible activities, and Internationalization at Home). After that, each participant was assigned to make plans for internationalization activities at their university, the results of which were presented in the second phase of training. In the second phase of training, a presentation was made on the progress of the participants' activities at their respective universities. The instructor also delivered material on intercultural communication and conflict management.

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