UNSOED Prepares the Implementation of Face-to-Face Learning Activities
[unsoed.ac.id, Tuesday (05/10/21] Jenderal Soedirman University / Unsoed prepares the implementation of face-to-face learning activities this semester. This is as stated in the Rector's Circular Number: 950/UN23/PK.01.03/2021 Regarding the Implementation of Offline Teaching and Learning Activities Starting in the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022. Based on the circular, UNSOED will start offline learning after the midterm exam to ensure that everything goes well and maintain the health of all parties. UNSOED has prepared various provisions for the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of teaching and learning activities.
The Rector of UNSOED, Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto, MS was accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof.Dr.Akhmad Sodiq,M.Agr.Sc said that the implementation of face-to-face teaching and learning activities is being implemented gradually. The Rector revealed that the implementation of offline teaching and learning activities is currently prioritized for Class 2020 Students and New Students Batch 2021 who come from the Banyumas and Purbalingga Regencies. This is also carried out in accordance with the conditions that have been set and in accordance with the available quota. The list of courses in each study program that has been prepared for offline learning will then be informed by the faculty and course participants will register at their respective faculties. Although some learning will begin to be carried out offline, the faculty will still provide infrastructure and lecturers for students who choose to study online.
Technically, for the implementation of this teaching and learning activity, UNSOED will coordinate with the Covid-19 Task Force of the Banyumas Regency Government. In addition, each faculty also forms a Faculty Health and Safety Team (Faculty Covid-19 Task Force) to develop, prepare, and implement standard operating procedures for health protocols together with the University Covid-19 Task Force. The UNSOED Covid-19 Task Force will also coordinate with the community around the campus to support the prevention of COVID-19.
Students who will take full offline and/or blended KBM must be in good health, have been vaccinated, and apply the health protocols that have been prepared. In addition, students will perform physical registration and file verification according to the time specified in the registration subsection.
In its implementation, the KBM progress is reported regularly to the Covid-19 Task Force and UNSOED will also carry out periodic testing and tracing. This is done as a form of prevention against the spread of Covid-19. In addition, each faculty has also prepared facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the required health protocols, including the use of a maximum room of 50% of the room capacity and a maximum of 25 people, preparing emergency action support, providing temporary isolation rooms if there are academics and educational staff who have Covid-19 symptoms/criteria, as well as other provisions according to health protocols.
This face-to-face learning will continue to be monitored and if there is an increase in Covid-19 cases, the Rector can stop the face-to-face activity and conduct an evaluation. When this news was delivered UNSOED was in a state of zero Covid-19 cases.