UNSOED Receives Funding for the Kemendikbudristek Ormawa PPK Program 2022
[unsoed.ac.id, Thu, 16/06/22] Three student organizations at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) have successfully passed funding for the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) 2022. This is known based on an announcement by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education & Culture of the Republic of Indonesia which was announced on June 15, 2022, through letter number: 2741/E2/KM.09.00/2022 regarding recipients of PPK Ormawa 2022 Aid.
The Assessment final selection of the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) was on May 31, 2022-June 9, 2022. Announcement of recipients of PPK Ormawa 2022 assistance was delivered as many as 328 (three hundred and twenty eight) sub proposals.
The 3 (three) student organizations at UNSOED that passed the funding were:
1. MIPA Faculty Student Association, with the proposal title "Effectiveness of Dry Land Treatment Using Drip Irrigation System to Improve Agricultural Quality in Cendana Village".
2. The ISIP Faculty Student Association, with the proposal title "The Jetis Tourism Village Design House Raises the Potential of Community Participation-Based Tourism Through Hyperlocal Communication".
3. UKM Himabisi KIP-K, with the proposal title “Self-supporting Young Livestock Studio: Contribution of Youth for the Welfare of the Sokawera Village Community, Banyumas Regency and the Advancement of Domestic Sheep and Goat Farming”.
PPK Ormawa is a program to strengthen the capacity of Ormawa through a series of processes of fostering Ormawa by universities which are implemented in community service and empowerment programs. Proposals submitted by universities are a collection of various proposed ideas and activities from one or more Ormawa.
The idea/proposed activity is a form of community service or empowerment compiled by official Student Organizations in universities, which can be implemented in various programs according to the chosen topic.