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UNSOED Receives Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Equipment Grant

[, Fri, 03/09/21] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed receives Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment grant, Vitamin C and hand sanitizer from PT Langit Pandu. PCR equipment is expected to help UNSOED as a COVID-19 test center to increase the capacity of COVID-19 detection tests as an effort to accelerate the handling of the COVID-19 virus.

The handover ceremony took place on the 3rd floor of the UNSOED Rectorate Building (Thursday 2/9). This activity was attended by the Rector, Director of PT Langit Pandu and his staff, Vice Rectors, Head of Bureau, Head of UNSOED Research Laboratory and invited guests. The signing of the grant handover program was signed directly by the Rector of UNSOED Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarto, MS with Director of PT Langit Pandu Agus Cahyo Wirawan

Director of PT Langit Pandu, Agus Cahyo Wirawan in his speech hoped that the granting would be the beginning of a long collaboration in the future with UNSOED. In the future, we hope to do a lot of collaborative research together. In line with the Director of PT Langit Pandu, the Rector of UNSOED welcomed this grant event. "UNSOED wants to provide the best service by continuing to provide benefits to the community, which in this case is by fighting together to deal with COVID-19," said the Rector.