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UNSOED students win 2 gold medals in International Olympiad of 12ASPO 2023

[, Tues, 06/02/24] UNSOED students once again proved their achievements in the international competition. A great achievement was achieved by the delegation of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) in the international level competition, Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad (I2ASPO) 2023. This competition was held online through a zoom meeting on December 19, 2023, and awarding on December 21, 2023.

I2ASPO is a research project olympiad in the fields of science, technology, environment, and computers organized by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS).

The categories contested in I2ASPO include Waste Treatment, IoT and Its Applications, Functional Food, Energy, Research on Children with Special Needs and Entrepreneurship. In the competition, the UNSOED delegation joined the Functional Food category. I2ASPO was attended by 321 teams from 14 countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia, Hong Kong).

In this prestigious event, two teams of UNSOED delegation won Gold Medal, namely in the Functional Food category, and the Iot and Its Applications category.

The UNSOED delegation in the Functional Food category was chaired by Ailsa Seca Kusuma (Food Technology 2021), with members Uut Ela Triana (Food Technology 2020), Jalalludin (Animal Husbandry 2020), Anita Dwi Puspitasari (Food Technology 2020), Hayfa Khairunnisa (Food Technology 2021), Kis Rindiana Subroto (Nutrition Science 2022), Shofiyyah Sa'diyyah (Nutrition Science 2022), Mohamad Hayatulloh (English Education 2022).

The team presented the project entitled "Kyumpaf: Cumin Puffs Breast Milk Instant Booster Low Calorie Alternative Healthy Snacks to Reduce Prevalence of CED in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women". This team was mentored by Nur Wijayanti, S.TP., M.P who is a lecturer in the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UNSOED.

Ailsa explained that the 12ASPO olympiad plays a role in training and encouraging students to raise awareness of the surrounding conditions through the proposed innovations, one of which is reducing the incidence of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

"The condition of SEZ in women will affect the nutritional status of their children, causing a decrease in productivity in future generations," she said.

Meanwhile, the UNSOED delegation in the Iot and Its Applications category was chaired by Kis Rindiana Subroto (Nutrition Science 2022) and consisted of Uut Ela Triana (Food Technology 2020), Jalalludin (Animal Husbandry 2020), Priandika Ratmadani Anugrah (Informatics 2021), Ailsa Seca Kusuma (Food Technology 2021), Rinda Dewi Rahmawati (English 2022).

The team presented the project entitled "Floating e-TPAS Refuse Derived Fuel Raw Material Solution for Waste Handling Efforts in Kampung Laut, Cilacap" supervised by Dadang Iskandar, S.T., M. Eng. from the Faculty of Engineering UNSOED.

Kis also explained that the I2ASPO competition can certainly train students' awareness of environmental conditions, especially in areas close to waters and flood-prone areas such as Kampung Laut, Cilacap.

"By participating in the I2ASPO competition, we can more widely develop and introduce this research project not only in the surrounding community but even to the world community, which of course has benefits not only for now but also for the future," he hoped.

