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UNSOED Students Won Silver MEDAL at the 3rd GLOCOLIS 2023 Competition

[, Mon, 10/04/23] The UKMPR (Kegiatan Mahasiswa Penalaran dan Riset - a students organization focusing on research) delegation won another award at the international level. At The 3rd Global Competition for Life Sciences (Glocolis) 2023, the "Evengeco" Unsoed team consisting of Reza Darmawan (Agricultural Engineering 2018), Oryza Tiva Kusumamiarsih (Biology 2021), Ghani Husni Fata (Agrotechnology 2021), Alif Ardandi (Agrotechnology 2022), and Devia Angelina Sopian (2022) with the supervisor Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga, S.TP., M.Sc., won the SIlver Medal in the Food Technology category.

Reza said the Glocolis competition is a scientific competition in the field of life science organized by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) on 3-5 April 2023 with 6 categories: Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Food Technology, Biotechnology, Food Science and Nutrition, and Pharmacy.  The event was attended by 131 teams from 6 countries including Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Macedonia, Turkey, and Indonesia. "With this Glocolis competition, I would like to encourage and improve Unsoed students' competitive spirit in any kind of competition, both nationally and internationally. We also thank those who support us to get the best results for our beloved Unsoed campus," he said.

The "Envengeco" team presented a work entitled "Evengeco: Application of Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) and Cocoa Fruit Charcoal as Ethylene Scavenger in Tomato Fruit". The idea came from the team's observation of utilizing unused cocoa fruit peels. "We saw that tomatoes are often rotten after harvest and can only last 3-4 days at room temperature. This is due to the ethylene content that causes the respiration process of tomatoes so that they rot quickly. Therefore, we utilize charcoal from cocoa pods mixed with KMnO4 as an ethylene absorber in tomatoes," he explained.

The 3rd Glocolis competition took place online, with the selection process starting with the submission of works on March 19, 2023, presentations and questions and answers on April 3, and the announcement on April 5, 2023.