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UNSOED Wins Award as an Informative Public Agency

[, Tues,26/10/21] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman continues to show improvement in various fields. This time through the 2021 Public Information Openness Award, UNSOED was designated as an Informative Public Agency. This award from the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia was delivered by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Ma'ruf Amin virtually on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. The award as an Informative Public Agency was received by the Vice Rector for Cooperation Planning and Public Relations, Dr. V Prihananto, M.Si who is also the PPID of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Informative public agencies are the highest achievement in the award of public information disclosure for public agencies. This award also shows the improvement of UNSOED from year to year, where in 2020 it was awarded “informative'' and was “quite informative” in 2019.

The Rector of UNSOED, Prof. Dr. Ir Suwarto, MS congratulated on the achievements achieved by UNSOED by getting the highest level as an informative public agency. The Rector said that this indicates that UNSOED is recognized as an institution that is open, accountable, responsive, and serving the community wholeheartedly. The Rector also congratulated the Vice Rector for Cooperation Planning and Public Relations, Dr. V Prihananto, M.Si and also the Head of the Planning, Cooperation, Information, and Public Relations Bureau, Mr. Setyabudi, SE, MM and his staff of the Information Section and the Integrated Service Unit who have worked hard to make UNSOED an informative public agency.

Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Mr. Gede Narayana, in his speech revealed that this year, one of the strategic programs of the Central Information Commission that has been carried out is to compile an index of public information disclosure. This will provide a reference in the assessment of information disclosure. The number of public agencies that were assessed and evaluated were 337 public agencies, of which 83 were informative, 63 were informative, 54 were quite informative, 37 were less informative, and 100 were not informative. Broadly speaking, it leads to improving the management of public information.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, in his speech appreciated the event held by the Central Information Commission on Public Information Disclosure. "This award is an opportunity for public agencies to continue to accelerate the best efforts regarding public information disclosure through various innovations," he explained. KIP is expected to encourage the realization of good and transparent government governance.

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman continues to strive to make improvements in various fields. Achievement after achievement achieved in 2021 is nothing but an effort to provide better service from time to time.
