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Utilization of Oyster Mushroom Baglog Waste as Compost Tea

[, Tues, 07/09/21] Black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) is a staple food for Indonesian people that can realize national food security and diversification. The needs of the Indonesian people for black rice have recently continued to increase because of the various advantages it has. Black rice contains flavonoids that can be used as antioxidants and anticancer. In addition, black rice has several advantages compared to other types of rice, namely rich in fiber, low glycemic index, and contains several important amino acids. Diabetics widely consume black rice because of its low sugar content. It can increase endurance, repair damage to liver cells, prevent kidney disorders, slow down aging, and prevent anemia. The flavonoid content of black rice is beneficial and needs to be increased with oyster mushroom baglog waste.

Oyster mushroom baglog waste in Indonesia has not been used optimally and is only left as organic waste. Whereas baglog mushroom waste can be used to increase soil fertility and plant growth because it contains macro nutrients including N (0.6%), P (0.7%), K (0.02%), and C-Organic (49%). Utilization of oyster mushroom baglog waste can be used as compost tea. Compost tea, commonly known as compost extract, contains beneficial microorganisms such as Rhizobacteria, Trichoderma, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas. These microorganisms are able to increase plant growth and production, plant hormones, and chemical compounds such as tannins, phenols, and flavonoids. This is what underlies the research of the PKM Team which consists of Khoerunnisa, Regata Ringga Hanesa Putry, Salma Aulia Salsabila, Mochammad Rezky Darmawan, and Yasinta Nahdatulia, and is guided by Drs. Iman Budisantoso MP

The PKM team from the Faculty of Biology at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed innovated the use of oyster mushroom baglog waste as tea compost to increase the flavonoid content of black rice (Oryza sativa L.). "This research started by making compost and tea compost from baglog oyster mushroom waste", said Khoerunnisa. Furthermore, testing was carried out on black rice to determine its effect on growth and levels of black rice flavonoids. This research is expected to be a solution and information in increasing the growth and levels of flavonoids for black rice.