Developing Mangroves as Cancer Chemoprevention Agents
After completing the Bachelor of Pharmacy program at Gadjah Mada University, Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Warsinah, M.Si who was born in Sleman in October 1958 continued her postgraduate education in the Master of Environment program at Sebelas Maret University and then doctoral education in the S3 program in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Gadjah Mada University.
Since 1987 Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Warsinah, M.Si has become a permanent lecturer at Jenderal Soedirman University. During her service at Unsoed, she has conducted a lot of research; one of them is research in 2020 entitled “Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Brotowali (Tinospora crispa L. Mier) Stem”, “Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Purified Extract of Tinospora crispa Stem for In Vivo Antihyperuricemic Effect”, “Anti-inflammatory Activity of Date Palm Seed by Downregulating Interleukin-1b, TGF-b”, dan ``Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2: A Study Among Middle Age Women”. Two years later, he published journal articles entitled The Phenolic Compounds of Ethanolic Extract of Date Seed (Phoenix dactylifera l.) Exert Hepatoprotective Activity on Rat Induced Carrageenan and The Antibacterial Activity of Acanthus ilicifolius L. n-Hexane Fraction."
Inaugurated as a professor of Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Warsinah, M.Si pursues a research theme on the development of mangrove plants as cancer chemoprevention agents. She also conducted research on ethanolic extract gel formulation as a therapy for cuts and burns using mangrove species Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Acanthus ilifolius. She is currently registering the Intellectual Property Rights (Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual or HAKI) of her research findings, which is the use of Rhizophora stem bark as a natural lip colorant in the form of lipstick.
In her scientific oration Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Warsinah, M.Si delivered the title "Challenges of Mangrove Plant Development as a Cancer Chemoprevention Agent". It was conveyed that the amount of information about the activity and molecular targets of natural material compounds in cancer treatment supported by the study of receptors involved in the carcinogenesis process allows promising cancer targeted therapy research. The discovery of new compounds in plants has the potential to provide a rich chemical library that is meaningful for the development of anticancer drugs. Computational studies will generate predictions of new active molecules so that they can be used for the discovery and development of new drugs that have chemopreventive and anticancer activities effectively and efficiently. "Therefore, the focus of drug development needs to be refined, from the conventional development of herbal products and synthetic compounds to modern biomedical research through the translational research paradigm," said Prof. Warsinah.
The downstream research of Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Warsinah, M.Si is utilized in making herbal formulations by herbal craftsmen in Sumbang Village, Banyumas Regency. This professor who has a research spirit since a young age has received many research grants including from the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM), Pertamina research partnership funding program, and Unsoed BLU research. He is currently an active member of the Asia Pacific Pharmacist Associations, reviewer of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR), and manager of Acta Pharmaciae Indonesia: Acta Pharm Indo.
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