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Develops Herbal Plants, UNSOED-Tegal Regency Government Establishes Cooperation

[, Fri, 26/08/22] A prospective herbal plant business opportunity makes Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) establish cooperation with the Tegal Regency Government, especially in the Kalibakung Herbal Health Tourism (WKJ) and residents of Kalibakung Village, Balapulang District. Currently, 9.2 hectares of land is available, it is expected to meet the needs of 65 percent of herbs for WKJ Kalibakung itself as well as market demand for the herbal industry.

WKJ Kalibakung is the Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Tegal Regency Health Office, which serves patients from various places around the Tegal area and several areas in Central Java and West Java, even to Jakarta. Patients who seek treatment at the only herbal health service in Central Java, are examined by doctors, and the medicine is in the form of herbal ingredients or herbs.

"We thank Unsoed for establishing this collaboration. We will discuss the technical details later, and we are ready to facilitate whatever is needed. We hope that in 2023 this collaboration will be realized and run as expected, to improve the welfare of the people of Tegal, "said Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Secretariat of Tegal Drs. Dadang Darusman, MM who represented the Regent of Tegal during an audience with the Unsoed Team in the meeting room of the Regional Secretary of Tegal Regency, Thursday (25/8/2022).

Dadang Darusman was accompanied by the Head of the Tegal Regency Health Office, dr. Ruzaeni, SH MM, Head of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Kalibakung Health Tourism Office (UPTD WKJ) Umi Diyah Arti, S.KM and Head of Kalibakung Mujiono Village, ST MH. Meanwhile, from the Unsoed Team, consisting of the Deputy Chancellor of Unsoed for Planning, Cooperation and Public Relations, Dr. Waluyo Handoko, S.IP., M.Sc, Head of Business Management Agency (BPU) Unsoed Dr. Adi Indrayanto, SE, M.Sc, Coordinator of General Administration of BPU Unsoed Erlina Savitri, SE, MM and Chair of the Herbal Research and Empowerment Team- National Competitive Basic Research Program (PDKN) Ministry of Education Research and Technology Directorate General of Higher Education (Kemendikbudristek Dikti) Dr. Adhi Iman Sulaiman, SIP, M.Si and their team.

This hearing is a follow-up to the research conducted by Dr. Adhi Iman Sulaiman and his team in Kalibakung Village, Balapulang District, Tegal Regency, last July - August. The research with the theme "green economy" which is packaged in the form of empowerment of cultivating plants and herbal products, was attended by 27 people, consisting of 15 people from PKK elements, Posyandu and Women Farmers Group (KWT) from the younger generation of Kalibakung Village, 5 people from UPTD WKJ Kalibakung and 5 Unsoed students.

At the closing of the activity on Wednesday (3/8/2022) at WKJ Kalibakung, Tegal Regent Dra. Umi Azizah believed that in the future herbal medicine would develop and attract public interest. This is in line with global issues and the lifestyle of returning to nature or back to nature is a current trend so that people return to using various natural ingredients, including treatment with medicinal plants or herbs. However, many people in the community do not have sufficient information about medicinal plants. To further popularize herbal plants, including cultivation, various herbal products and the sustainability of herbal plant business opportunities in the future, UNSOED and the Tegal Regency Government agreed to cooperate.

Dadang Darusman, who is also an alumni of the Unsoed Masters of Management Program, emphasized that currently a total of 9.2 hectares of land is available for planting various types of herbal gardens, such as temulawak, cat's whiskers, ginger, turmeric, tempuyung leaves, meniran, sambiloto, salam, cinnamon, turmeric, aromatic ginger, lemongrass, galangal, cardamom and so on. The 9.2 hectare land consists of 4 hectares belonging to the village in Kalibakung Village, Balapulang District, 4 hectares in the Agricultural Technology Park (TPP) in Durensawit Hamlet, Kesuben Village, Lebaksiu District, and 1.2 hectares behind the Kalibakung WKJ UPTD in Kalibakung Village. The land area could increase, said Dadang Darusman, because there are still many agricultural areas in Tegal that have not been maximized for the cultivation of herbal plants.

The community will be involved in the cultivation of herbal plants in the three places, and Unsoed through the Business Management Agency (BPU) which has an extensive network and Human Resources (HR) who are experts in their fields, are ready to provide assistance from the technical side to marketing. Agricultural Field Extension Officer (PPL) of the Tegal Regency Agriculture Office will also be involved in providing assistance in the cultivation of herbal plants. "The use of land for planting various types of herbal plants will be arranged as attractively as possible, so that it can become an Agro Edu Park area. Here, people can learn about various types of herbal plants while traveling," he said

For medicinal ingredients for patients in the Kalibakung WKJ, 35 percent were supplied by planting around the Kalibakung WKJ. The rest, 65 percent, was supplied from the Center for Research and Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines (B2P2TOOT) of the Ministry of Health in Tawangmangu Karanganyar and Pasar Gede in Solo.

WKJ Kalibakung is currently receiving offers to supply the needs of herbal plants from four herbal industries, namely PT Kimia Farma asking for 6 tons of tempuyung leaves per month, PT Sidomuncul asking for 3.5 tons of celery plants per month and 6 quintals of red ginger per month, PT Bintang Toedjoe asking for ginger 3 tons per month and PT Indesso Aroma Purwokerto also asked to be sent in large quantities of cat whiskers leaves.

The request could not be fulfilled yet, because the regulation stipulates that WKJ Kalibakung is still in the form of an UPTD, not a BLUD. With the change of status to BLUD starting in 2023, and in line with the cooperation between the Tegal Regency and Unsoed Regency, it is hoped that WKJ Kalibakung can be more flexible in managing their own finances.

Deputy Chancellor of Unsoed for Planning, Cooperation and Public Relations, Dr. Waluyo Handoko, S.IP., M.Sc said, Unsoed is ready to immediately realize this collaboration, both in capital and deploying lecturers who are experts in the fields of pharmacology, biotechnology, agriculture and marketing.

"In the future, the land can also be used as a vehicle for Unsoed lecturers and students to carry out research activities, service and cooperation or mutually beneficial partnerships between WKJ Kalibakung and the Kalibakung Village community and BPU Unsoed in particular," he said.

In line with that, the Head of BPU Unsoed, Dr. Adi Indrayanto, SE, M.Sc welcomed the collaboration between Unsoed and the Tegal Regency Government. "Unsoed as one of the state universities that implements the Public Service Agency (BLU) financial pattern, is ready to realize various patterns and forms of collaboration, including with WKJ Kalibakung and the Kalibakung Village community to meet the needs of herbal raw materials in WKJ Kalibakung and the herbal industry," said Adi Indrayanto.

The Head of the Herbal Research and Empowerment Team- National Competitive Basic Research Program (PDKN) Ministry of Education Research and Technology Directorate General of Higher Education (Kemendikbudristek Dikti) Dr Adhi Iman Sulaiman, SIP, M.Si said, his party expressed their gratitude for the support of their research results by the Deputy Rector IV Unsoed, BPU and the Tegal Regency Government in particular WKJ Kalibakung and the Kalibakung Village Government. "Hopefully this collaboration will continue for the welfare of the Kalibakung Village community and its surroundings, which will later become producers of herbal ingredients suppliers," hoped Adhi Iman Sulaiman.

Following this collaboration, said Adhi Iman, the short-term target is the need for continued empowerment, assistance and collaboration between Unsoed, the Kalibakung Village community and WKJ Kalibakung to cultivate herbal plant commodities. Currently, the 4 hectare land provided by the Kalibakung Village has begun to be tested for planting by the herbal plant cultivation group.

“Then it is necessary to accelerate this collaboration, by immediately placing students for the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN), the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Merdeka) internship program and practical work in Tegal. The students and accompanying lecturers involved included those from the Faculties of Agriculture, Public Health, Pharmacy, Biology and Economics," said Adhi Iman Sulaiman.

This was supported by the Vice Chancellor IV and Assistant Secretary of the Regional Secretary to arrange what needs were owned and could be collaborated between Unsoed and WKJ KalibakungTegal Village. The long-term target, continued Adhi Iman, from this collaboration is the opening of vocational education such as certification of herbal skills training, or institutions equivalent to diploma one and diploma three herbs.

Kalibakung. "WKJ Kalibakung can open herbal medicine vocational education, because it has complete laboratory equipment from the Ministry of Health for post-harvest processing of herbal plants," said Adhi Iman Sulaiman.

For teaching staff/instructors, he continued, later WKJ Kalibakung, the Health Office of Tegal Regency and Unsoed could collaborate.
