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Fapet UNSOED Holds National Seminar Presenting Sandiaga Uno

[, Thu, 09/06/22] Animal Husbandry Research and Development Unit, Faculty of Animal Husbandry UNSOED held a National Seminar Soedirman Event Of Animal Husbandy 5.0 (SEARY 5.0) Proudly Present with the theme "Exploring the Potential of the Agrocomplex Sector for the Development of Millennial Business Innovations in the Competitive Era". With the Seminar Opener Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, BBA, MBA. (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy).

The seminar was held on Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at 08.15 through the zoom meeting platform which was attended by 345 participants consisting of lecturers and students. The activity was opened by the Chancellor of UNSOED Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq, M.Sc., Agr and guided by moderator Mochamad Sugiarto, S.Pt, MM, Ph.D by presenting resource person Prof.Dr.Ir. Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr, Bernadeth Virna (Sr. Marketing Manager of PT. Global Dairi Alami), and Ir. Mahardika Agil Bimasono, S.Pt, IPP (Chairman of the Livestock Compartment Division V BPD HI HIPMI).

Dr.H.Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said that the younger generation has a role to play in generating the creative economy in Indonesia, such as proudly campaigns for Indonesian-made products as consumers. Adapting to the change from conventional business to digital business, innovating by turning challenges into opportunities, and also collaborating by expanding market networks as Business Actors.

The creative revolution of campus is the storehouse for creativity, there is a creative economy sub-sector in the field of animal husbandry. Livestock resources must be intervened with creativity and created its ecosystem. “The proximity of resources to the processing of producers and consumers becomes the future. Create new markets around us with collaboration,” he explained.

UNSOED Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr in his speech expressed his extraordinary appreciation and gratitude for the national seminar. The Chancellor said the theme was very interesting and should be applied by universities to improve the national economy. "UNSOED is very grateful to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy and to the other speakers who took the time to provide motivation and knowledge at the SEARY 5.0 event initiated by UP3 BEM Fapet UNSOED," said the Chancellor.

Furthermore, the Chancellor said that the millennial generation is a young generation that is adaptive, creative and innovative and full of creativity. As a millennial generation, they are required to be open to technological developments through social media to facilitate entrepreneurship. "Millennials are expected to have creativity and innovation so that they can improve the quality of human resources independently," explained the Chancellor.

With entrepreneurship, the millennial generation can manage time to innovate businesses. In the digital era, the millennial generation can be creative by using the market through social networks, websites and others in developing their business wings to more easily market their products.

Mahardika Agil Bimasono, S.Pt, IPP in his presentation said that the creative economy is the embodiment of added value from an intellectual property right born of human creativity based on science, cultural heritage, and technology. "The rapid advancement of internet technology has led business actors to adapt to changing their business plan from conventional businesses to digital businesses, innovating by turning challenges into opportunities, and also collaborating by expanding the market," he explained.

Meanwhile, Bernadeth Virna explained that in managing their business, millennials can use their creativity and innovation, so the future entrepreneurs can be advanced, independent, and modern. "The only resources that cannot be replaced with technology are intellectual resources, one of which is reflected in the rise of the creative economy," he said.
