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Implementation of MBKM, UNSOED Establishes Cooperation with Pancasakti University Tegal

[, Mon, 25/07/22] The Independent Learning Policy and Independent Campus (MBKM) requires synergy and collaboration between universities and other universities, as well as between universities and industry, the business world and the world of work. So that the development of networks as an effort to accelerate the implementation of MBKM is very important to do.

Related to this, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) collaborated with Pancasakti University (UPS) Tegal, Sunday (24/7). The collaboration is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding / MoU on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the Implementation of Independent Learning – Merdeka Campus. The MoU was signed by the Chancellor of Unsoed Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, and the Chancellor of the University of Pancasakti Tegal Dr. Taufiqulloh, M. Hum which is located at Pancasakti University, Tegal. The scope of cooperation includes Education; Teaching; Study; Community Service, and Implementation of Independent Learning-Independent Campus.

UNSOED Chancellor Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr in his speech said that we are currently entering an era where collaboration is a prerequisite to increase our contribution in life. Our potential will be much more optimal when we work together and support each other.

“Inter-institutional cooperation is an aspect that has its own strategic value and importance, in this case with fellow higher education institutions. Especially in the perspective of MBKM, this collaboration will not only improve the quality of education, research and community service, but also provide opportunities for the academic community to transform in learning outside the campus," said Prof. Ahmad Sodiq.

The Chancellor of the Pancasakti University, Tegal, Dr. Taufiqulloh, M.Hum hopes that this MoU will be followed by an MOA between faculties or related work units both at UPS and at UNSOED.

On that occasion the Chancellor of UNSOED Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, delivered a public lecture with the title"Higher Education Paradigm and Strategies to Improve the Quality of Learning".


[, Mon, 25/07/22] The Independent Learning Policy and Independent Campus (MBKM) requires synergy and collaboration between universities and other universities, as well as between universities and industry, the business world and the world of work. So that the development of networks as an effort to accelerate the implementation of MBKM is very important to do.

Related to this, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) collaborated with Pancasakti University (UPS) Tegal, Sunday (24/7). The collaboration is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding / MoU on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the Implementation of Independent Learning – Merdeka Campus. The MoU was signed by the Chancellor of Unsoed Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, and the Chancellor of the University of Pancasakti Tegal Dr. Taufiqulloh, M. Hum which is located at Pancasakti University, Tegal. The scope of cooperation includes Education; Teaching; Study; Community Service, and Implementation of Independent Learning-Independent Campus.

UNSOED Chancellor Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr in his speech said that we are currently entering an era where collaboration is a prerequisite to increase our contribution in life. Our potential will be much more optimal when we work together and support each other.

“Inter-institutional cooperation is an aspect that has its own strategic value and importance, in this case with fellow higher education institutions. Especially in the perspective of MBKM, this collaboration will not only improve the quality of education, research and community service, but also provide opportunities for the academic community to transform in learning outside the campus," said Prof. Ahmad Sodiq.

The Chancellor of the Pancasakti University, Tegal, Dr. Taufiqulloh, M.Hum hopes that this MoU will be followed by an MOA between faculties or related work units both at UPS and at UNSOED.

On that occasion the Chancellor of UNSOED Prof. Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, delivered a public lecture with the title"Higher Education Paradigm and Strategies to Improve the Quality of Learning".
