Student from Sudan Graduated from Animal Science Doctoral Program
[, Fri, 08/07/22] Doctoral Program Animal Husbandry Faculty Universitas Jenderal Soedirman held Open Exams that was carried out offline and streaming (07/7) at the Seminar Room I Floor III Fapet Unsoed.
Promovendus is the third student of the Doctoral Program at the Animal Science Study Program, Fapet Unsoed, who carried out an open examination and was declared successful in obtaining a Doctorate degree. The Open Exam confronts Modawy Abdelgadeer Program Students Alkhliafh Elbasheer NIM D3A018002, who is a Lecturer at Omdurman Islamic University, Faculty of Agriculture, Poultry Production Department Sudan.
In front of the Assessment Team and promoter Modawy successfully defended his dissertation entitled "The Effect of Dietary Level Of Safflower Oil And Inositol Supplementation On Physiological And Health Condition Egg On Female Sentul Chicken" which was witnessed by all faculty leaders, Postgraduates, Families and colleagues in Indonesia as well as colleagues from their countries who can watch the Doctoral Promotion Open Session process via live streaming.
The Open Examination begins at 09.30 WIB which is led and opened by the Chair of the Session, Prof. Dr. Triana Setyawardani, S.Pt, MP (Dean of Fapet Unsoed) who was accompanied by the Head of Doctoral Program of Animal Science Study Program, Dr. Ir. Agus Susanto, M.Sc. agr, IPU.
Promoter Prof. Dr. Ismoyowati, S.Pt, MP, IPU, led the open examination by giving the opportunity to Co-Promoter Dr. Ir. Efka Aris Rimbawanto, MP., Appraiser 1 Prof. Dr. Ir. Elly Tugiyanti, MP, IPU, Assessor 2. Dr. Ir. Sri Rahayu, M.Si, IPU, Appraiser 3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Dadang Mulyadi Saleh, MS,, Ph.D, Appraiser 4 to take turns asking questions, each of which is given 7 minutes.
After conducting the test, the examiner team decided Modawy was declared Passed with the predicate of "Very Satisfactory". At the end of the event, the Promoter said, on behalf of the promoter & personally, "On the beautiful date (7/7/2022) the beautiful date became a new history for the Doctoral Program of Animal Science Study Program & students from Sudan who have carried out the third dissertation exam, which also happens to be my birthdate," said the Promoter ending the Open Session procession.