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On the banks of the Serayu River FMIPA Unsoed Team Raises Water with Waterwheel

[, Thurs, 28/07/22] A team of Lecturers from the Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNSOED carried out a service located in Plana Village, District Somagede, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. Plana Village is an area located about 25 km to the southeast of the Unsoed Campus. The team was chaired by Jamrud Aminuddin, Ph.D along with members of the service team, Dr. Eng Mukhtar Effendi (KAPUS of New and Renewable Energy, LPPM UNSOED), Drs. Sunardi, M.Si. (Dean of FMIPA UNSOED), and other lecturers who are members of this team, namely Sugito, M.Si, Aris Haryadi, M.Sc., and Wihantoro, M.Sc.

In the village there is a small business group engaged in freshwater fish farming under the name "Tirta Lestari Plana Fish Cultivator Group". According to the head of the business group, Mr. Sutarmo, the group has been around for about 2 years since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. This group has also been officially registered in the Notary Deed on August 04, 2020.

Jamrud Aminuddin, Ph.D said that from direct observations that the team has made, it is known that the group uses the Serayu River flow as a water source for fish ponds. The position of the fish pond is about 5 meters higher than the river flow so that the water removal process is carried out using a water pump. “Since the fish pond is very far from electricity, the only solution for water supply is to use an engine-powered water pump. The group complained about this solution because they had to incur operating costs for engine fuel. As a result, the group's profits have not been maximized,” he explained.

Based on these conditions, on Wednesday (27/7) the team applied simple technology, a water pump with a pinwheel as a driving force as the development of research and service results that have been carried out in the Physics Department, FMIPA UNSOED in the last few years. "In this activity, small scale water pump designs were realized and socialized as a model for the group to be developed on a large scale," he explained.

According to him, the main components of this pump are buoys, pinwheels, drive wheels, discs, and hydraulic ram systems. The working principle of this pump was developed based on the working principle of a hydraulic ram pump with a piston driven by a pinwheel after getting a boost from the river flow. "So the working principle of this pump is very simple by replacing the role of the engine with a water wheel driven by river flow," he said.

He added that although the water discharge produced by this pump is lower than the engine pump, this tool will work continuously without using additional costs, especially engine fuel, which the Tirta Lestari Plana Fish Cultivator business group complains about, Somagede District, Banyumas Regency.
