FH UNSOED Holds Webinar About Protection of Indonesian Citizens Abroad
[unsoed.ac.id, Mon, 07/06/21] With the theme "The Protection of Indonesian Citizens Abroad in the Perspective of Criminal Law, Employment Law & Diplomatic Law", the Faculty of Law (FH) Unsoed held a webinar on Thursday (3/6). The 14th webinar series took place online via Zoom Meeting, and was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law Unsoed, Prof.Dr.Ade Maman Suherman SH.,M.Sc.
The keynote speakers of the webinar are Sukmo Yuwono SH., MH (Deputy of Indonesian Ambassador to Bangkok – Thailand), Dr. Agus Budijarto SH., M. Hum (Functional Prosecutor at the Young Indonesian Attorney General's Intelligence), and Dr. Siti Kunarti SH. ,M.Hum (Lecturer of Labor Law at the Faculty of Law, Unsoed).
Protection of Indonesian citizens abroad was reviewed by the juridical aspects of diplomatic law. The legal standing includes the 1945 Constitution, Law No. 37 of 1999, Vienna convention on diplomatic Relations 1961, Vienna convention on consular Relations 1963, and ratification with Law no. 1 of 1982. Settlement of criminal cases abroad begins with case mitigation, evidence & witnesses, assistance / lawyers, assistance to local state APH, and family protection & public information. Prevention of criminal acts abroad for Indonesian citizens is carried out through Bilateral Cooperation (bilateral cooperation, border cooperation, MLA, Interpol cooperation), and Multilateral Cooperation (Bali Legal Process, and UN-ODC). (NY)