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UNSOED 59th Anniversary: Collaboration in Synergy, Towards Global UNSOED

[, Fri, 23/09/22] The open session of the Senate in the 59th Anniversary of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) was held today Friday (23/9) at the Hall of the Faculty of Humanities, Unsoed . Unsoed's 59th Anniversary Senate Open Session had the theme "Collaboration in Synergy, Towards Global Unsoed”.

Unsoed Rector, Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, in his annual report speech conveyed Unsoed's achievements over the past year. Starting his report, he said that the 2022 period is a phase Unsoed is preparing to take off and enter the third phase of the 2015-2034 Development Master Plan. To ensure the take-off stage that is able to take Unsoed worldwide, 2022 is a very important era. "This year Unsoed has equipped itself with various policies, systems, cooperative partnerships, infrastructure, improving the quality of human resources, and performance achievements which are believed to be synergistic collaborations that will be able to make the vision of gaining world recognition a necessity," said the Rector.

As a state university, Unsoed accepts new undergraduate students through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN selections. To further provide opportunities for prospective students from all over the country, Unsoed also opens an independent selection, and participates in the Higher Education Affirmation program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"From the number of new Unsoed students accepted this year, there are more than 1000 students who are recipients of the Indonesian Smart Card (KIP) Lecture. Unsoed also set a single tuition fee (UKT) level I and II for 436 students or 7.25 percent. As a form of Unsoed's commitment to contribute to education services, Unsoed has managed and allocated scholarship funds amounting to almost 1 billion rupiah which was distributed to more than 8,000 students, both for diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels," explained the Rector.

Furthermore, the Rector said that since the MBKM policy was launched, Unsoed had taken a number of strategic steps. “Unsoed has established the policies that underlie the implementation of MBKM, compiled the Unsoed MBKM Manual, developed the MBKM SIA, established the Unsoed MBKM Center under the coordination of LP3M to MBKM Commissions down to the study program level. The study programs at Unsoed have also relaxed the curriculum and facilitated credit conversion for MBKM participating students,” he explained.

Unsoed has 84 study programs in 2022,. The number of study programs that obtained Superior accreditation showed an increase. To date, 9 study programs have been accredited with Excellence, 37 study programs have been accredited with A, 4 study programs have been accredited with Excellent, 29 study programs have been accredited with B, 1 study program has been accredited with Good and 4 study programs have been new study programs.

To realize the vision and mission of the institution: “to be recognized by the world as a center for developing rural resources and local wisdom” Unsoed also continues to contribute through the implementation of various community empowerment programs and high-quality technology transfer. The implementation of community service (PkM) at Unsoed is carried out competitively through BLU funding and DRPM funds. Overall, in 2022 Unsoed succeeded in obtaining PkM funds of Rp. 3.7 billion from 228 PkM titles. This number has increased from 2021 as many as 200 titles with a fund of IDR 3.2 billion.

In order to participate in encouraging rural economic recovery in the final era of the Covid-19 pandemic, Unsoed also participated in community service activities through the Community Service Program in 7 regencies spread over 30 sub-districts and 345 villages. The types of KKN that were carried out during this period were Regular KKN and Thematic KKN. The number of students involved in KKN in 2022 is 3,116 students with 157 lecturers as field supervisors (DPL).

Regarding cooperation, the Rector conveyed that the form of cooperation at Unsoed was developed with the pentahelix concept. The implementation of cooperative activities that are able to make a direct positive contribution to the community, especially rural areas as a characteristic of Unsoed is also a manifestation of the quality of the cooperation that has been implemented. In 2022, Unsoed already has 601 MoUs and Cooperation Agreements with domestic partners from universities, institutions/government and the world of industry. The Rector added that Unsoed has also collaborated with world-class partners in the last two decades, including with O.P. Jindal Global, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Faculty of Medicine/Academic Medical Center Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Osaka University, ZMT Bremen, and Bremen University. "This collaboration is going very well which includes joint research, joint publications, joint mentoring, exchange of lecturers and students, as well as other academic activities," he explained.

On that occasion, there was a scientific oration delivered by Dr. Icuk Rangga Bawono, SH, SE, M.Si, MH, Ak, CA, ASEAN CPA, CTAP, CPA, CertIPSAS (Lecturer of the Unsoed Faculty of Economics & Business). Icuk conveyed "Academics' Contribution to Optimizing the Role of Regional Inflation Monitoring and Controlling Teams in Mitigation Efforts to Mitigate Inflation Impacts of Fuel Price Increases".
