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UNSOED and the Judicial Commission of Indonesia Establish Partnership

[, Thurs, 08/09/22] Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) agreed to cooperate with the Judicial Commission of Indonesia on Thursday (08/9). The partnership is related to improving the integrity of judges to realize a clean judiciary and the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The agreement is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Rector of Unsoed Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr, (represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Partnership & Public Relation), and the Chairperson of the Judicial Commission of Indonesia, Prof.Dr .Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata SH., M. Hum

The purpose of this partnership is to carry out various programs by the parties in the context of developing human resources which include aspects of education, research, and community service in order to achieve a clean judiciary. The scope includes scientific meetings in the form of seminars, public lectures, discussions, workshops that are beneficial to the interests of the parties and the community; joint research in accordance with agreed themes/topics; empowering the human resources of the parties as resource persons or experts for various activities organized and relevant to the duties and functions of the parties; utilization of facilities and infrastructure managed by and for agreed interests; education, human resource training, acceptance of apprentices and/or Field Work Lectures (KKL) that are beneficial to the interests of the parties and the community; internship program in Independent Learning- Independent Campus (MBKM) activities; joint socialization in the context of maintaining and upholding the honor, dignity, and behavior of judges as well as realizing a clean judiciary; and programs and/or other fields deemed necessary and agreed upon.

After the signing of the MoU, it was followed by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Faculty of Law Unsoed and the Judicial Commission of Indonesia. The Vice Rectors, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and its ranks, the Heads of the District Court of Banyumas Residency, and students were present in the event.

The rector, Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, in his written remarks read by the Vice Rector for General Administration & Staff, Dr.Kuat Puji Prayitno SH.,M.Hum, said that higher education is currently entering a transformation perspective, known as Independent Learning-Independent Campus. The campus is expected to further strengthen the capacity of tridharma, with the principles of synergy and collaboration with various existing stakeholders. "The spirit is how the campus always contributes in improving the quality of people's lives", said the Rector.

Furthermore, the Rector conveyed that it was an honor for Unsoed, especially the Faculty of Law in collaborating with the Judicial Commission of Indonesia in the Tridharma programs of Higher Education. This momentum can be a gateway for future collaborations, such as internships for students, opportunities to conduct research for lecturers and students, and also other collaborative partnerships. "Once again, the spirit is to empower the potential of both parties, so that they can contribute and serve more according to their respective duties and roles," he concluded.

The chairperson of the Judicial Commission of Indonesia, Prof.Dr.Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata SH.,M.Hum, said that Unsoed, especially the Faculty of Law (FH) was not a foreign place, since he had been present at Unsoed many times. "My presence today feels like I'm back at home, and gather with my family," said the chairperson. He hopes that the signed MoU is not just a document, but it can also be implemented. Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Judicial Commission, said that the Judicial Commission of Indonesia was born from the will to reform. He also conveyed about the independence of the judicial power ruled by the judiciary.
